Who’s the Outdoor Games Coordinator at VBS 2019?

Who’s the Outdoor Games Coordinator at VBS 2019?

What do you get when you mix rambunctious kids, tasty snacks, silly games, and gospel teaching?

Besides a whole lot of noise, you get… Vacation Bible School! This year, we’ll be hosting VBS from June 17 to 21. In the days leading up to the big week, we’ll introduce you to some of the folks who make it possible.

Meet Justin Webb, Outdoor Games Coordinator!

What’s something folks might not know about where you grew up?

I grew up in a town of 300 people.

How long have you been worshipping with CGS?
My family and I have been attending for about a year.

What has God been showing you as you’ve meditated on this year’s theme?
It is our job as volunteers to continue to show the same love the father had for his prodigal son to the kids who come in to our church’s door everyday. We will have kids from many backgrounds and we want to create a loving and positive environment for them to learn and have fun everyday.

How are you hoping to convey the things you know and are learning about this year’s theme through the area in which you’re serving?
I’m hoping to teach our students to be brave in competition but to be humble in the outcome. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ and should support each other in our successes and failures.

What words of encouragement do you have for parents during VBS this year?
The week may be stressful and may not always be perfect but remember this event is for the kids. Be encouraging and uplifting to all our volunteers and students who come through the door every day.

CGS Elders

The Session is the group of elders called to care for, serve, equip, and oversee a local Presbyterian congregation. We meet on the first Monday of each month to pray, discuss the ministries of the church, and encourage and sharpen one another.