The CGS music team is made up primarily of volunteers who joyously share their talents to proclaim the beauty, glory, and truth of the gospel of Christ Jesus each Sunday. Our musical style is blended – viewing musical variety as a celebration of the diverse tastes, backgrounds, and generations present in our community. There are many ways for musicians and non-musicians to get involved on the music and worship team!
Matt McClure (Director of Music Ministry)
Sunday Morning Music
Praise Team These musicians lead congregational singing which is accompanied by guitars, piano, percussion, and keyboard. This group typically rehearses on Sunday morning for about an hour. We normally have an informal “audition” of the people interested in this team. Hymns This group of musicians leads the traditional hymnody present in most of our worship services and includes piano, singers, winds and string instrumentalists. They rehearse at 9:00 on Sunday morning. Contact Matt McClure (Director of Music Ministry)
Adult Choir
This is a mixed chorale which rehearses on Wednesday night at 7:00. The group is mainly comprised of adults and teens who have some experience in choral singing with at least a limited ability to read music. They sing about once a month in worship. No audition is required. Contact Matt McClure (Director of Music Ministry)
CGS Community Choirs
CGS Community Choirs is a free choir program with the purpose of instilling in our youth an appreciation of the joy and beauty that God gives us through music. We want to foster in our students a love of worship through singing, to provide training in good vocal technique and musicianship, and to cultivate a strong sense of community and belonging within our choristers. We offer five choirs for ages 5-18, all of which rehearse on Monday afternoons. Our season…
Audio Visual Team
These volunteers work behind the scenes to make our Sunday worship service heard and seen. Sound, lights, and projection are wonderful areas for musicians and non-musicians to be involved in the nuts and bolts of the worship service. Even if you have no background in these areas we are happy to help train you up! Contact Matt McClure (Director of Music Ministry)