It is our desire that the men of CGS continually deepen their relationships with Christ. We seek for them to express their allegiance to the Kingship of Christ by extending His dominion into their personal and family lives, into their vocational lives, and into their community lives. The men of CGS study the Word together, share with each other, and provide service to our church and our community.
Our men are involved extensively in volunteer service. They also participate in leadership roles that may be i) formal, via ordained opportunities as deacons and elders, or ii) informal, focusing upon participation in our community groups or in our Sunday Morning Classes. Within our community groups and SMCs, men contribute as participants, mentors, and teachers, according to their gifts and interests.
Bible Study
The CGS Friday Morning Men’s Bible Study is specifically designed to accommodate the demands of workday vocational schedules. We meet in the Commons (next to the church kitchen) from 7:00-8:00am around tables, our Bibles, and fresh coffee. These gatherings are taught and guided by Joe Scanlon who is one of our Presbytery’s ordained Ruling Elders and who is deeply committed to helping the men at CGS become more deeply grounded in the Biblical truths that undergird our faith, and to do so in a manner that lends itself readily to pragmatic workday application. (Colossians 3:23-24)