Sunday Morning Classes

Sunday Morning Classes

CGS is a deliberately thoughtful community of believers, endeavoring to bear witness to the Real Jesus. One of the ways we further this desire is by meeting together on Sunday mornings at 9:30 before our worship hour begins, to study God’s Truth together. During these gatherings, our goals are to understand Scripture more clearly, for the purpose of applying it to our own daily lives more faithfully.

We tackle Life in all of its manifestations in these gatherings, because we believe Scripture is intended to inform our approach to every aspect of the world’s brokenness: Family. Vocation. Marriage. Divorce. Singleness. Sexuality. Culture. Gender. Pain and Suffering. Justice. Despair. Joy.

Come join us for education, for friendship, for discussion, for encouragement, and for perspective on living in Christian relationship with each other in service of Christ’s purposes in our world. Come learn how to apply the teachings of the Real Jesus to the problems of Real People who are confronting the daily realities of the Real World!

Upcoming SMC Schedule

Fall/Winter SMCs – Note all SMCs begin at 9:30am
Session One – September 8, 15, 22, 29, October 13, 20

  •  Theological Foundations for Leaders (TFL)
    Chris Garrett & Todd Rust | S205
    Many who claim to follow Jesus have very little idea of what that means. TFL presents the foundational beliefs of our faith and how they apply to our lives. This class is for everyone; however, we strongly encourage anyone involved in teaching and/or leadership roles to attend. You will need to invest at least 30 minutes a week to engage with this material.
  • Living as Exiles
    Insights from the Prophet Jeremiah
    Bob Burns | S212

    Jeremiah spoke to a people whose lives had been turned upside down: after a brutal defeat they were deported from their homeland to live as exiles in a foreign land. Do you ever feel the secular West is overtaking your life? Or that the world is changing faster than you can imagine? Jeremiah’s message confronts and comforts us with gospel hope.
  •  The Parables of Jesus
    Kris Cooper | S203-204
    Jesus used stories taken from real life to teach his followers about spiritual reality and the Kingdom of God. Our good friend and RUF pastor Kris Cooper will choose a selection from Jesus’ 40 parables and help us understand what these verbal pictures mean and how they speak to our lives.
Fall Missions Conference

Combined SMC 
October 6 – Stephen J.
Come hear our CGS Missionary Stephen Jones, who has recently been
named the Executive Director of CounsellingGlobal. For the past nine years,
Stephen has served as a pastor in a South Asian neighborhood in London,
reaching the unreached with the gospel. In 2018, his wife Charity started a
counseling ministry to serve neighbors excluded from counseling due to
cultural stigma or financial restraints. In 2022 Counselling Global was
formed to support this growing work. The dream is to empower global
counselors in strategic cities worldwide, to serve the most vulnerable,
provide counseling training, and utilize excess funds for church planting.

Session Two

October 27, November 3, 10, 17, 24
  • Theological Foundations for Leaders (TFL)
    Chris Garrett & Todd Rust | S205
    This unique training continues through the end of the year!
  • The Art of Neighboring
    Amanda Briscoe, Mark Whipple & Jed Busbee | Room S203-204
    We may have hundreds of “friends” through social networking, but we often don’t know the full name of the person who lives right next door. Amanda, Mark and Jed will lead us in a lively conversation based on this insightful book by Jay Pathak & Dave Runyon.
  • “In All the Scriptures….”
    Matt Mahla | S212
    In Luke 24:27 Jesus taught two disciples how all the Scriptures concerned himself. In this class Matt will combine a mix of Biblical history, covenant theology and the general flow of the Scriptural narrative to show how all the Scriptures ultimately focus on Jesus.
  • Listening for the Lord’s Voice in Scripture 
    Robin Kiefer and Tricia Toher | L104 (under the sanctuary)
    Robin and Tricia will lead this workshop using four frameworks for Scriptural reflection: Lectio Davina; Faith based Memorization; Biblical Meditation; and Removing Barriers to Belief. This group will be limited to 12 participants. You must register for it by emailing
No SMCs or Sunday School on December 1 (Thanksgiving Weekend)
December 8

Congregational Town Hall Sanctuary
Join us for another Town Hall as we hear and discuss exciting plans for 2025! This is for everyone 6th grade and older.

December 15

Combined SMC
The Carols of Christmas
Greg Wheatley | S212
You’ve sung them all your life – but do you know their stories? Greg will share with us the stories of some of our favorite Christmas carols – and then we’ll sing them together!