Who’s the Ancient Cultures Coordinator at VBS 2019?

Who’s the Ancient Cultures Coordinator at VBS 2019?

What do you get when you mix rambunctious kids, tasty snacks, silly games, and gospel teaching?

Besides a whole lot of noise, you get… Vacation Bible School! This year, we’ll be hosting VBS from June 17 to 21. In the days leading up to the big week, we’ll introduce you to some of the folks who make it possible.

Meet Penny Mayes, Ancient Cultures Coordinator!

What’s something folks might not know about where you grew up?
I’m one of the few people at CGS who are originally from Durham. I grew up and live on what was once a tobacco farm. I actually live in my grandmother’s farmhouse.

How long have you been worshipping with CGS?
Since 1995.

What has God been showing you as you’ve meditated on this year’s theme?
God’s grace is so much bigger than any of us can imagine! And I need it every single moment of every single day.
Also, since I love NC BBQ, I’m really glad for the New Testament!

How are you hoping to convey the things you know and are learning about this year’s theme through the area in which you’re serving?
We are hoping to have animals this year, God willing! And we’ll explain to the kids through videos and hands-on activities how pigs were considered unclean in the Jewish culture and what that meant for a Jewish young man who fed pigs. Friday we will celebrate God’s grace to all of us.

What words of encouragement do you have for parents during VBS this year?
CGS’ VBS is one of my favorite weeks! I think I can count on one hand the years that I have not helped with our Bible school. Come, help, enjoy the fun, and grow in your faith. I learn and grow as much as the kids every year.

CGS Elders

The Session is the group of elders called to care for, serve, equip, and oversee a local Presbyterian congregation. We meet on the first Monday of each month to pray, discuss the ministries of the church, and encourage and sharpen one another.