Below you will find an archive of our Winter 2022 (January 9-February 6) series of paired worship services and combined SMC congregational discussions. Each week explores a theme of our CGS Vision Statement.
Week 1 | January 9 | Real Jesus: Part 1
Exploring the implications of daily following the real Jesus.
Week 2 | January 23 | Real Jesus: Part 2
A continuation of our discussion of exploring the implications of daily following the real Jesus.
Week 3 | January 30 | Real People, Part 1: Messy Christianity
Living this crazy, disordered life together in community (Faith & Neighbors)
Week 4 | February 6 | Real People, Part 2: CGS Distinctives
We walk with Jesus and each other in a unique context (Faith & Work; Faith & Universities)
Week 5 | February 13 | Following Jesus in the Real World
To do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God (Faith & Justice/Mercy; Faith & Global Mission)