
Women’s Prayer

You are a invited to join an informal women’s prayer time on Sunday mornings, whenever you are available. We meet between 9-9:15 a.m. (before Sunday Morning Classes) if you want to chat, and we start praying at 9:15. You’ll find us behind the Welcome Desk, in the couch area to the left as you come in the main front doors of the church building (before you go into the sanctuary). If you are late, just slip in and join us […]


Spring Sunday Morning Classes

Winter/Spring 2025 Flyer – Note all classes begin at 9:30 a.m. Session One | January 5, 12, 19, 26 Selected Psalms Matt Mahla & Kris Cooper | S212 In the Psalms we discover the full range of responses to life – from exuberant praise to deep mourning and sorrow. Our RUF pastors Matt and Kris will select one Psalm per week to examine and discuss together. The Process of Forgiveness Bob Burns | S203-204 This is a broken world. And it was inevitable that we […]


Widow’s Lunch

If you are a widow, we'd like to invite you to join our monthly informal lunch at Jason's Deli on the first Sunday of each month right after worship. We gather together to share our stories and to experience the hope we have in Christ. All widows are warmly invited. For more information, contact Gail Stepp (919-545-1034) or Jackie Brown (404-917-3958).