Session One | January 5, 12, 19, 26
- Selected Psalms
Matt Mahla & Kris Cooper | S212
In the Psalms we discover the full range of responses to life – from exuberant praise to deep mourning and sorrow. Our RUF pastors Matt and Kris will select one Psalm per week to examine and discuss together.
- The Process of Forgiveness
Bob Burns | S203-204
This is a broken world. And it was inevitable that we will hurt one another. Most of us have been treated unfairly and have experienced deep emotional hurt. Yet Jesus taught we should forgive without limit (70×7). How can this happen? We will search the Scriptures and discover some surprising answers.
- Being a Christian in the Public Square: Religious Freedom in America
Norman Acker & Andrew Henson | S202
Christianity has always been counter-culture. But how should Christians respond when their religious freedom is threatened? Should coaches be allowed to pray with players before a game? What about sharing one’s faith with co-workers? And if we take a stand, what should our attitude be toward those with whom we disagree? Come explore these questions with two seasoned Christian attorneys.
- Listening for the Lord’s Voice in Scripture
Robin Kiefer and Tricia Toher | L104 (under the sanctuary)
Robin and Tricia are offering a reprise of this workshop using four frameworks for Scriptural reflection: Lectio Davina; Faith based Memorization; Biblical Meditation; and Removing Barriers to Belief. Any women are welcome, but registration is required and the class will be limited to 15 people. There will be a waiting list for anyone who registers after the class is full. To register, email Tricia at
YOUTH Spring SMC | The Lord’s Prayer
Spencer Johnson and Team | Youth Room (downstairs, entrance by Sanctuary doors)
Why is praying so hard? God tells us to pray, but if we’re honest, most of us don’t know how. So, where do I even begin? Let’s start by listening to Jesus as he teaches us how to pray. Join other students downstairs in the youth room as we study the Lord’s Prayer together this semester.