Who’s the Drama Coordinator at VBS 2019?

Who’s the Drama Coordinator at VBS 2019?

What do you get when you mix rambunctious kids, tasty snacks, silly games, and gospel teaching?

Besides a whole lot of noise, you get… Vacation Bible School! This year, we’ll be hosting VBS from June 17 to 21. In the days leading up to the big week, we’ll introduce you to some of the folks who make it possible.

Meet Amelia Cassar, Drama Coordinator!

What’s something folks might not know about where you grew up?
While I am from California, I grew up in a small town in the Sacramento Valley. We had one high school, and our football and basketball teams were both state champions. Lots of small town pride!

How long have you been worshipping with CGS?
Three years.

What has God been showing you as you’ve meditated on this year’s theme?
I’m excited for the kids to understand that the muck and the mire in our life is no match for God’s love and grace. The parable of the prodigal son really demonstrates this. Prodigal means “wastefully or recklessly extravagant,” which is how we see the father’s love demonstrated in the story. God is not stingy or snobby. He is right there in the pig muck with us, ready to meet our mess with lavish grace.

How are you hoping to convey the things you know and are learning about this year’s theme through the area in which you’re serving?
I really want the kids to be drawn in by the comedy so they can perceive the nuggets of truth within the silliness. I think the VBS drama walks a fine line between the lighthearted and the heavy, and my prayer is that I can find that delicate balance.

What words of encouragement do you have for parents during VBS this year?
I would encourage parents, especially those who are serving, to learn alongside their kids. VBS is for everyone. It’s an opportunity to dive deeply into Scripture in a way we don’t do throughout the year, and I think if we make it all about the kids, we miss an opportunity for sanctification and encouragement.

CGS Elders

The Session is the group of elders called to care for, serve, equip, and oversee a local Presbyterian congregation. We meet on the first Monday of each month to pray, discuss the ministries of the church, and encourage and sharpen one another.