Updates from the Vision Formation Team

Updates from the Vision Formation Team

The Vision Formation Team (VFT) is devoted to gospel renewal in the hearts and minds of CGS. The VFT serves both as a touch-point for pragmatic integration among representatives from each of the other formation teams (Spiritual Formation, Community Formation, and Mission Formation), as well as a receptive forum in which we nurture prayerful and collaborative long-range discernment. We meet together weekly on Tuesdays, beginning our group’s time together with devotions and prayer, followed later by in-depth discussion of assigned readings.

At our most recent gathering, we celebrated Chris Garrett’s impending sabbatical – a gift to him of sabbath rest, renewal, and refreshment in the Lord. We are offering Chris this season of replenishment and restoration as an expression of our deep appreciation for his many years of enduring faithfulness in Christ’s ministry among us.

We also invested time reviewing the final details for the annual Congregational Meeting on May 19, outlining the summer sermon series, continuing to map out the fall-winter Sunday Morning Classes curricula, and planning the agenda for the Session retreat (August 9-11).

Current members of the VFT are:

  • Chuck Jacob (Teaching Elder, Central Neighborhood, Senior Pastor)
  • Chris Garrett (Teaching Elder, Northwest Neighborhood, Pastor of Congregational Care)
  • Bob Burns (Teaching Elder, Southwest Neighborhood, Pastor of Spiritual Formation)
  • Mark Whipple (Teaching Elder, Central Neighborhood, Pastor of Community Formation)
  • Matt McClure (Ruling Elder, Southeast Neighborhood, Music Director)
  • Glenn Jordan (Ruling Elder, Northwest Neighborhood, Chief of Staff)

Please continue in prayer for us.

CGS Elders

The Session is the group of elders called to care for, serve, equip, and oversee a local Presbyterian congregation. We meet on the first Monday of each month to pray, discuss the ministries of the church, and encourage and sharpen one another.