
Sunday Morning Communities (SMCs) – Fall Session One

Please join us on Sunday mornings for coffee between 9-9:30 am. Fall/Winter SMCs – Note all SMCs begin at 9:30am Session One – September 8, 15, 22, 29, October 13, 20  Theological Foundations for Leaders (TFL) Chris Garrett & Todd Rust | S205 Many who claim to follow Jesus have very little idea of what that means. TFL presents the foundational beliefs of our faith and how they apply to our lives. This class is for everyone; however, we strongly […]


Youth Group

Church of the Good Shepherd

Calling all 6-12th graders! We’re back! Join us on Sunday’s from 6:30-8PM in the Youth Room for games, quality time learning about God and each other. Many students go to cookout after youth group, so if your student would like to join us, be sure they have money and a ride to and from cookout!